(... no matter what conditions you have, how you eat, or what you've tried in the past)

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(includes workbook for your action plan)


"You're not what you eat, you're what you digest."


Supporting a healthy gut has simple roots you need to get a handle on

Probiotics? Enzymes? Low-FODMAP diets?

Reflux, IBS, Food Sensitivities, Autoimmunity, Irregularity, Skin Conditions...


I'm breaking it all down because knowledge is power and having a personal action plan is even better.

Stop doing this...

(and getting suckered into buying 100 supplements you don't need and that aren't helping)

And Imagine This...


This isn't an overly complex online course stuffed with too much info you'll forget all about.

Here's What You'll Learn + Walk Away With

(consider this a 2-hr personalized session with me...

not a fluff-stuffed seminar that leaves you more overwhelmed than when you started)

  • Digestion 101

    Learn about what's actually going on in your body, where it goes wrong, and how to support each step holistically with nutrition, lifestyle, and supplementation. So you can have clear steps to address your specific needs based on your symptoms instead of an overwhelming to-do list that's like throwing gluten-free spaghetti at the wall...

  • 5 phases to healing holistically

    Whether your symptoms/conditions include... Reflux, IBS, Food Sensitivities, Autoimmunity, Irregularity, Skin Conditions, etc. They can all be treated at a root-cause level. You'll learn how to make the most impact by addressing the causes, step-by-step, instead of trying to blindly treat symptoms alone (that doesn't last or address anything) so you can get back to your life and stop letting these symptoms consume you.

  • Advanced gut healing strategies

    At-home testing, recommended labs, and more. I'll walk you through what you need to know and share more about your options for at-home testing and labs to work with a doctor/practitioner on, including how to prioritize what would be best for your needs. No more feeling completely lost and throwing money away on tests that aren't giving you the data you need to take action.

  • How to eat for optimal digestion

    Learn exactly which foods to enjoy, the best way to prepare them, so you can nip that embarrassing 'food baby' bloat, gas, and sluggishness in the bud after eating your 'healthy' salad you were so excited for! You'll feel more confident and less worried about how to eat, feel and see the effects right away, and bonus... you get stronger digestion and nutrient absorption out of it for more energy and less tummy troubles.

  • The best supplements I always recommend

    You'll have the exact brands I work with in practice, as well as the knowledge on why to try them, and how and when to use them. This way you can decide what to buy vs. going broke on buying way too many random supplements you don't even need.

  • Common FAQs

    Hear my answers to more nuanced questions about pesky symptoms, failed attempts, and common frustrations... such as "why do I have heartburn even when taking digestive enzymes", "how do I take probiotics if they make me feel worse?", "do I need to go Low FODMAP?", "why can't my GI doctor help me?"


Your Holistic Gut Healing Action Plan

Plus, you'll use the interactive follow-along workbook while class is in session to create your own action plan...

meal plan
Meal Plan Testimonial
Meal Plan Testimonial
Meal Plan Testimonial
Meal Plan Testimonial

Disclaimer: This workshop is for informational purposes only, it is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness or condition. Your Instructor, Alison Marras is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Restorative Wellness Practitioner. This workshop will be given from a Nutritional Therapy Standpoint which is not designed to treat any specific disease or medical condition. It’s instead designed to recommend dietary changes, supplements, and lifestyle changes based on nutritional needs and foundational principles of health including digestion. No comment or recommendation from an NTP or RWP should be construed as a medical diagnosis or prescription.

(includes workbook for your action plan)

I understand the healing power that real food and lifestyle changes can bring as a Holistic Nutrition Practitioner. But going deeper than that, as a woman who’s tried to “do it/have it all”... I understand the challenges we’re all up against when trying to actually accomplish this in our busy lives (+all the external confusion and information out there that can overwhelm us!).


When we have the key simplified knowledge of fundamental health principles and the tools to support our bodies to naturally heal (which our bodies naturally want to do), we can truly thrive with our health at a root cause level and be more in tune.


I've been managing my chronic illness (Hashimoto's Autoimmune Disease + PCOS) and chronic digestive issues using all that I've learned and practiced. I've supported many nutrition clients over the years on their own healing journeys do the same and I'm excited to share my knowledge with you in this workshop.


I'm here to help you bring joy + confidence into nourishing yourself on your health journey.​ Knowledge is truly power!

My family doesn't have to eat the way I do and I often make multiple meals leaving me exhausted, will this help?

"All disease begins in the gut."

- Hippocrates

© Copyrights by Food by Mars. All Rights Reseved.